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“Hunger Games” As featured in The WC Press

Check out my recent column called “Hunger Games” featured in The WC Press where I discuss my love for winter squash!

“Autumn has always been one of my favorite seasons. You might think it’s because my birthday is in October, but what I actually love most about fall are the amazing colors and tastes associated with this time of year. In particular, winter squash. Starting in September, you’ll start to see varieties of these in your favorite grocery stores or at the West Chester Grower’s Market. While you might associate these as common decorative and holiday accents, they are actually packed with nutrition and are hearty and flavorful vegetables to enjoy when the weather starts getting cooler.

While pumpkin is arguably the most recognized member of what is known as the Cucurbitaceae (gourd) family, it is just one of many types of winter squash that you can add to your diet. Some of my favorites include delicata, kabocha, butternut and acorn squash but there are numerous others. 

The nutritional benefits of squash are vast. Squash contains high amounts of fiber, which benefit heart health and digestion. The colorful green, yellow, orange and multi-toned varieties have flesh that contain antioxidants such as beta carotene and vitamin C. Both can lower inflammation and boost the immune system, which is ideal as we head into cold and flu season. Squash is also high in minerals like potassium which helps lower blood pressure and Vitamin B6 which helps support the nervous system and mood regulation. Even the seeds of squash are nutrient dense. Pumpkin seeds are one of the highest sources of magnesium, which can lower the risk of diabetes. Magnesium is also a key nutrient for bone health. As an added bonus, winter squash is typically low in calories compared to other starches, making it an ideal choice for maintaining a healthy weight. 

It’s easy to get intimidated by winter squash because of the prep that is involved. Some varieties have a thick skin that has to be peeled, plus you have to scoop out the seeds. If you’ve never made squash before, I recommend starting with delicata. It’s small in size with few seeds and a thin skin that is edible, making it easier to work with. Other varieties (like kabocha, butternut and acorn) can be roasted in the oven whole or microwaved for a few minutes before peeling. The flesh of winter squash is dense and flavorful which makes it the perfect ingredient for soups, stews, side dishes and breads, or you can enjoy it on its own as a side dish. I like to mash it and then blend it with some cinnamon, olive oil and a little maple syrup. 

Another reason why I love winter squash is that it is affordable and typically yields several servings. Cooked squash can be frozen and it reheats well, allowing you to make extra that can be used in a variety of recipes. Winter squash will maintain its flavor whether it’s roasted or steamed, so I encourage you to be bold in the kitchen and explore the many ways you can include this in your weekly meal planning this season.”

View it online at The WC Press here.


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Tips for navigating digestive health issues 

Read an article about navigating digestive health issues that was published in the Reading Eagle.

When Jennifer Laurence, a registered dietitian from Chester County, was in her 20s she began having a sensitivity to certain foods, leading to a diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. At the time, research on IBS was more limited, which left her feeling alone.

“I didn’t get a lot of help in that area when I talked to a doctor at that time,” she said. “Some of the issues we know about today weren’t as prevalent back then.”

Jennifer Laurence Right Balance Nutrition

Laurence, 51, said the landscape has since changed, with many studies on gut health having been conducted in the last two decades.

“The medical community now knows how important it is and how many ways it contributes to our health,” she said. “Twenty-three years ago, we didn’t have that data, and now we understand a lot more about the microbiome — now there is so much more research on it and the importance of gut health and how you can heal your gut with food.”

When she was first diagnosed in 2000, Laurence decided to turn to nutrition in hopes that route might offer her some answers and relief. With the help of an integrative practitioner to analyze her diet, she began taking steps to make changes.

“She helped explain to me the microbiome and imbalances in the gut and really educated me on that and how food could play into the picture,” Laurence said. “Through working with her, I made the connection that certain foods can make you feel great and certain foods can make you feel really sick.”

In the process, she and the practitioner identified foods that Laurence was sensitive to.

“She helped me heal my gut and from there I became really interested in nutrition and interested in supporting people with digestive issues,” she said. “It was a catalyst to me pursuing nutrition as a profession.”

Cutting out certain foods

In the process of cutting out certain foods, they determined healthy, nutritious, balanced foods to replace them so that Laurence didn’t become deficient.

“Dairy was huge for me, and to this day I’m still pretty sensitive to it,” she said. “I had to adjust and find substitutions for that.”

She turned to fortified rice milk as her dairy alternative.

“I had to figure out how to get calcium in my diet from other foods that aren’t dairy,” Laurence said. “I included a lot of leafy greens in my diet, and things like sesame seeds and beans are high in calcium, so that was my protocol.”

Her specific IBS diagnosis was IBS-D (predominantly diarrhea), so she had to make some changes regarding a beverage she was fond of.

“I was a big coffee drinker and I couldn’t have it because coffee stimulates the bowels,” she said. “I had to switch that out for a caffeine-free herbal tea.”

Taking probiotics was also necessary to balance her microbiome.

“I had to eliminate or swap out the foods that were causing the inflammation and add in foods and probiotics to lower the inflammation,” she said. “I was also prescribed an anti-bacterial supplement to kill some harmful bacteria in my gut.”

Felt significantly better

It wasn’t long before Laurence began noticing changes.

“I started seeing improvements in a couple of weeks and then within one to two months, I felt significantly better,” she said.

Nutrition became a central component of her life. After a period of working in finance and later a focus on motherhood, Laurence decided to transition her professional path to dietetics.

In 2016 Laurence founded Right Balance Integrative Nutrition in Wester Chester. Today, she has many clients who contend with IBS.

“Oftentimes I feel when you are given a diagnosis of IBS it is a fairly general term and people feel they just have to live with it,” she said.

Laurence recommended seeing a doctor first to receive a proper diagnosis before seeking guidance from a dietitian.

“Sometimes all the tests come back normal but you kind of feel, ‘Well, now what? What do I do?’” she said. “This is where a dietitian can really pick up and be helpful, because they can talk to you about dietary intervention.”

Treating IBS is not a one-size-fits-all prescription, so when Laurance does nutritional counseling, each protocol is personalized.

“It is customized to each person, and individualized nutrition is so key,” she said. “I can have five people that come to me with IBS and a recommendation might be different for each one of them.”

After listening to a client’s symptoms, Laurence does a digestive assessment that includes looking at their current diet, doing a dietary intake and having clients keep a food log. Next, she determines an appropriate course of action.

“They may or may not need an elimination diet; they may or may not need supplements,” she said. “I have to do those first steps in order to determine their appropriate nutrition prescription.”

Low FODMAP diet

The Low FODMAP diet is one Laurence often recommends to clients, which she noted is fully backed by research. According to Johns Hopkins University, the low FODMAP diet is a three-step elimination diet that targets certain carbohydrates that are hard to digest. You stop eating high FODMAP foods for the first step. Next, you slowly reintroduce them to see which ones are troublesome. And lastly, once you identify the foods that cause symptoms, you can avoid or limit them while enjoying everything else without worry.

Laurence discussed how the trend in low-carb diets, such as Keto and Paleo, can be detrimental to overall gut health and lead to an unbalanced diet.

“They are so low in fiber and probiotics, which you need to feed those probiotics, and they are low in short-chain fatty acids, all of which help to lower inflammatory response in the body,” she said.

Laurence said the number one carbohydrate people feel they can’t eat is fruit.

“People are afraid to eat it and it is high in antioxidants and a great source of fiber,” she said.

Whole grains such as quinoa, barley and oatmeal are ideal whole grains that Laurence recommends people should gravitate toward.

“People come to me all the time and they have eliminated all this stuff from their diet and are eating a lot of protein, a lot of fat and a few veggies, and that’s not great,” she said, recommending carbohydrates should be added to that list. “They should also be eating fruits, grains, beans and starchy vegetables.”

Laurence offers a message she hopes people will take into consideration when it comes to carbohydrates in their diet, which in turn can be beneficial for gut health.

“They don’t have to fear carbohydrates and be afraid of them,” she said. “These foods can be beneficial and serve a purpose.”

Right Balance Integrative Nutrition

Right Balance Integrative Nutrition is a nutrition counseling practice in West Chester, Chester County. Jennifer Laurence, owner of Right Balance, is a registered dietitian and a licensed nutritionist with a master’s degree in Nutrition Education. For more information, visit, email [email protected] or call 484-401-7837.

About Low FODMAP Diets

The low FODMAP diet is part of the therapy for those with IBS and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Research has found that it reduces symptoms in up to 86% of people.

Because the diet can be challenging during the first, most-restrictive phase, it’s important to work with a doctor or dietitian, who can ensure you’re following the diet correctly — which is crucial to success — and maintaining proper nutrition.

Low FODMAP is a three-step elimination diet: First, you stop eating certain foods (high FODMAP foods). Next, you slowly reintroduce them to see which ones are troublesome. Once you identify the foods that cause symptoms, you can avoid or limit them while enjoying everything else worry-free.


About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Symptoms of IBS vary, but typically include one or more of the following: abdominal pain, cramping, constipation or diarrhea, bloating, gassiness. Your doctor may order medical tests to rule out other causes of these symptoms.

Triggers: People with IBS have a sensitive intestinal tract in which stress and diet may play a role.

Stress: The colon contains nerves that connect to the brain. For people with IBS, stress can stimulate spasms in the colon, causing discomfort and pain.

Diet: Some people with IBS find symptoms worsen after eating large meals or high-fat foods. Specific foods may also trigger symptoms and can vary from person to person.


See the article published in the Reading Eagle.

Categories Uncategorized, Advice, Food, Gut Health, Health, Nutrition, Protein

Confused about collagen?

Collagen supplements are becoming increasingly popular. Are you confused by them? You may be wondering whether or not this is something your body needs, or if these types of supplements even work. This post will help you decide if it’s right for you.

Understanding collagen

Collagen is a protein made up of amino acids. It is one of the most prevalent proteins found throughout the body. It is present in bones, skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, your intestinal lining, and other fibrous tissues.  The main role of collagen is to provide structural support to your tissues. There are different forms of collagen, but the primary amino acids that comprise it are glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline.

Role of collagen

As we age, collagen levels decrease. This can lead to issues such as osteoarthritis, joint pain, stiff tendons, wrinkled skin, and GI disturbances. As a result, collagen is being added to beauty products and dietary supplements as a means of providing anti-aging benefits, reducing joint pain, supporting healthy bones and healing leaky gut.

Benefits of collagen

While some studies are mixed, there is strong evidence to support the following benefits of collagen

  • Promotes skin elasticity, hydration, anti-aging and improvement in overall appearance.
  • Can increase bone density and reduce bone loss
  • Helps reduce joint pain and stiffness
  • Can increase the process of wound healing

There is moderate evidence to support these additional benefits*

  • May support growth of hair and nails
  • May increase muscle mass
  • May protect against mucosal damage and support a healthy intestinal barrier
  • May support cardiovascular health

*Further studies are needed

Collagen food sources

So how can you obtain collagen naturally? Collagen is mainly found in animal tissue – primarily in the joints, tendons and bones. Bone broth is another common food source. You can purchase commercially made bone broth, but the best way to reap the benefits is to make it yourself. Here is a recipe you can try.

If eating animal carcass or drinking bone broth is not your thing, you can also try consuming foods that synthesize collagen and support its production. These include poultry, game meat, organ meat, fish, shellfish, cheese, egg whites, seeds, spirulina, and soy.

Collagen supplements

Collagen supplements come in a variety of forms including capsules, gummies, powders. One of the most common and versatile forms of collagen supplements can be found in bovine, chicken, or marine collagen peptides.

Collagen peptides are the result of larger collagen molecules being broken down into short chain amino acids. Peptides are ideal because they break down easily in liquids. You can add them to both cold and hot beverages, such as coffee or a smoothie. You can also include them in baked goods.

There is no recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for collagen, but on average 2.5-1.5g per day have been utilized in studies. As with all supplements, I only recommend professional grade brands. Supplements are not regulated so quality really does matter. For example, with some commercial protein powders, there is concern about potential lead contamination. It’s worth investing a few more dollars to know that what you are consuming is safe. As always, before consuming any supplement I urge you to talk with a qualified healthcare practitioner to determine if you really need it.

For more tips like these or to book a session, contact me here


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