I have been seeing a trend in my practice lately. Clients come into a program with the best of intentions – to focus on their health, heal their bodies, and put themselves first for a change, only to get sucked back into life’s harsh realities that zap their motivation and plan. They reschedule or cancel visits and put their wellness goals on the backburner. I see it over and over, and I understand because at times in my life I have done the same. My father died in September. The weeks preceding his death were anguishing. I didn’t go to the gym and at times I skipped meals. I didn’t sleep. It’s easy to de-prioritize yourself when you are juggling a hectic work schedule, kids, aging parents, or caring for a friend or loved one. The list goes on an on.
Life will always present us with these challenges. This I know for sure. But self-care can really save us in times like these. Fueling our bodies with nourishing food, moving our bodies with some form of physical activity, deep breathing for stress reduction, and of course getting some much needed rest.
Self-care is a necessity, not a luxury. It’s like the instructions the flight crew gives you on an airplane prior to take off – in the event of an emergency, put YOUR oxygen mask on before helping others with theirs. It is ok to prioritize your needs first. This is not an act of selfishness. This is an act of self-love and self-worth. It is a demonstration of your love for those around you. Because when you give yourself these gifts, you become the best version of YOU.
So don’t feel bad about scheduling your nutrition visit, or going to the gym, or taking the extra time to cook some healthy meals for yourself, or simply taking a break. You are worth every bit of that time.
As a reminder, I do offer virtual counseling. Simply login from a tablet, smart phone, computer or other Wifi connected device. Virtual visits are an easy and convenient way to continue with your sessions without requiring the time to make a trip to the office. And if you are like most of my clients and getting pulled in multiple directions, time is everything.
To schedule a virtual nutrition session, click here.
Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash